Investment in real estate has been one of the most popular and least risky types of investments for many years and at the same time with high profitability. By investing in commercial or residential real estate, you get stability and confidence in the future, because real estate is always in demand, especially here in center of Europe. Czech Republic has very favorable conditions for living and investing in real estate. Many companies and foreign clients invest in Czech real estate, which has shown great demand and growth in value over the past 10 years. For example, apartments in Prague have shown an increase in prices of 70% over the past 5 years. Also, positive news is that from 2020 the 4% tax on the purchase of real estate in the Czech Republic was canceled.

For several years of successful work, we have many investment proposals, such as residential homes, apartments, commercial properties, apartment buildings, lands, hotels and construction projects at a favorable price. Most of the properties that we have in our offer with a yield of 5-9% p.a., which is a real and very good indicator in Europe.

Our company will help you to invest profitably and manage your property. We will analyze the market, select the best deals, calculate the profitability and liquidity, offer the best investment strategy options, and we will also accompany you in legal and organizational details from the beginning of the transaction to the transfer of real estate to you. You can rely on us because our goal is to help our client acquire and invest profitably, so we approach business with full responsibility and experience.

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